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Sri Prasanna Venkata Dasaru

Sri Prasanna Venkata Dasaru was born in the year 1680 in Bagalkot . He attained his Divine glory in Tirupati when Lord Venkateshwara inscribed "Prasanna Venkata' on his tongue.Dasaru spent most of his lifetime meditating, composing and singing glories of God and teaching people the morals of life and the way to do 'bhagvatsadahana' that would lead them to the divine path to Vaikunta (heaven - the abode of lord vishnu).
Sri Prasanna Venkata Dasaru has composed many keertans ( god's songs), Suladi, Ugabhog ( short, sweet & meaningful poems) and special kritis, depicting the story of Bhagavata and other ancient scriptures dedicated to Lord Sri Hari. One of his compositions "Samastnaama manigana satkarana" which is similar to Sri Visnusahasranama. Some of his compositions like "Naradaru Korvani Vesha talda karitre" is full of humor while some are beautiful, simple stories of Srimad Bhagvatam.
Every year his Punya Dina or "Araadhana' is celebrated in Bagalkot which witnesses thousands of devotees rendering to selfless service in his name.
Sri Prasanna Venkata Dasaru has composed many keertans ( god's songs), Suladi, Ugabhog ( short, sweet & meaningful poems) and special kritis, depicting the story of Bhagavata and other ancient scriptures dedicated to Lord Sri Hari. One of his compositions "Samastnaama manigana satkarana" which is similar to Sri Visnusahasranama. Some of his compositions like "Naradaru Korvani Vesha talda karitre" is full of humor while some are beautiful, simple stories of Srimad Bhagvatam.
Every year his Punya Dina or "Araadhana' is celebrated in Bagalkot which witnesses thousands of devotees rendering to selfless service in his name.
Our MissionOur Vision is to bring forward the glory attained by Sri Prasanna Venkata dasaru and his wonderful krutigalu (compositions) to the world.
Sri Prasanna Venkata Dasaru has immensely influenced the people of Karnataka through his songs that his compositions are still sung by a lot of devotees even today. Smaraka Bhavan Construction
Please Click here to View the Invitation and Detailed info on Dasara Aradhane
-------------****------------ Aradhane 2019 Please Click here to View the Invitation and Detailed info on Dasara Aradhane -------------****------------ Aaradhane 2017 Events Aaradhane 2017 Invitation - 1 Aaradhane 2017 Program Details First time book in English on Life and works works of Prasannavenkatadasaru - (Covering Life sketch, Over viewing his entire literature and translation of selected keertanas ) and also two e books will be released. Also MP3 CD. Prasannavenkatanama kusama male - 5 containing 18 prasannavenkatadasar aprachalita kritis rendered by famous dasavani singer Anant Kulkarni will be released. English Book CD Cover GOOD NEWS “SRI PRASANNAVENKATA RESEARCH FOUNDATION TRUST (R) “HAS BEEN REGISTERED UNDER THE SECTION 12AA R/w SECTION 12AA(1)(B)(I) OF THE INCOME TAX ACT -1961 VIDE REGISTRATION No.CIT(E)BLR/12AA/L-156/AA0TS6037K/ITO(E)-3/VOL 2014-2015 DATED 20-11-2014 AS A CHARITABLE TRUST. AND COMMISSIONER OF INCOME TAX (EXEMPTION) BANGALORE GRANTED APPROVAL FOR 80G EXEMPTION UNDER SECTION 80G(5)(VI) OF THE INCOME TAX ACT-1961 VIDE APPROVAL LETTER No.CIT(E)BLR/80G/L-157/AAOTS6037K/ITO(E)-3/Vol 2014-2015 Dated 20/11/2014 DONATION TO THIS TRUST ARE EXEMPTED FROM INCOME TAX ACT UNDER THE SECTION 80G. INTERESTED PHILANTHROPIST WHO WANT TO SUPPORT THIS TRUST ACTIVITIES MAY CONTRIBUTE AND OBTAIN INCOME TAX BENEFIT. WHO ARE INTERESTED TO DONATE MAY CONTACT prasannavenkataresearchfoundation.trust@gmail.com Aradhana Celebrations - September 2012! Workshop on Haridasa Kritigala vollanota 2012 7 books and 2 mp3 CDs on Shri Prasanna Venkata Dasaru and his kritigalu available at 30% discount! |