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Activities /Seva performed by the trust from June 2010 to April 2012
The trust has carried out the following activities so for from inception ie. June 2010 to April 2012.
A) Cultural Activities and Knowledge Share for Public:-
I. Published the following books on ancient Indian knowledge system in particular to Dasa Sahitya as part of knowledge share to public.
1.”Sri Prasannavenkata Vijaya” – a biography of Sri Prsannavenkata Dasaru in kannada, authored by well known writer Smt. Rekha kakhandaki Pub. in Sept 2010
2. Sri Prasannavenkata Dasar Kratigalliya Adhyatmika vallanota( spiritual in sight in the works of Prasannavenkata dasaru) volume -1 authored by well known researcher Dr. V B Kulkarani Pub in sept 2011.
3. Sri Prasannavenkata Dasara Kratigalliya Adhyatmik Vallanota ( spiritual in sight in the works of Prasannavenkata dasaru) volume -2 authored by well known researcher K. Appannnachar, former Chairman of TTD Dasa Sahitya projects Pub in September 2011.
Note:- Copy of Invitation of the book release function and photographs of the above two ( ie for the years 2010 & 2011 ) functions are attached for reference.
4.Instituted state award on traditional music and first award called “ Sri Prasannaveankata Sangeeta Ratna “ purskar was awarded to famous Dasavani vocalist Pandit. Sri. Anant Kulkarani for his life time achievement in music. Award was given on 8th Sept.2011.
Note: - Award function Invitation and award ceremony photographs are attached.
5.Organised and conducted so for six workshops on various aspects of Ancient Heritage of Indian knowledge system particularly on Dasa Sahitya in association with NIVS Trust ( R ) & Sripadaraja Research International foundation Trust ( R ) at Bangalore on 7th August 2010, 25th September2010 and 14th Jan 2012,11 Feb 2012, March 10th 2012, and April 14th 2012 and also scheduled such workshop on every month Second Saturday at Bangalore till October 2012.
Note: Invitation and Photos of the workshop deliberations are attached for reference.
6.Associated and provided knowledge base support for organizing 4th International Conference on “ Ancient Indian Life Science & Associated Technologies on 23rd -25th Dec.2011 at Mulabagal Kolar district Karnataka, more than 300 delegates including delegates from UK, USA, Germany, Kazakhstan, Russia attended & deliberated on ancient Indian Knowledge system. ( Photo graphs of the conference deliberations are attached for reference)
7. Initiated Studies /research work on scientific concepts & social justice aspects in Dasa shahitya – currently two part time researchers are working on this project.
In order to support the research work, workshop is conducted on 14th April 2012 on topic - “ Insight of scientific concepts pertains to social science and health of body and mind in ancient Dasa sahitya“. Eminent researchers like Prof. Ranganath Bharadwaj well known Indian economist delivered lecture on Social science and Dr. Vasanth Kulkarani - a professor at Rajarajeshwari Medical college Bangalore delivered lecture on health related topics covered in ancient Dasa sahitaya. (Invitation and photographs of the workshop deliberations are attached.)
7. Initiated collaborative research work on ancient Indian science to rediscover the lost science in association with other philanthropic organizations like NIVS, NVMRT etc.
8. Successfully completed project on Trust’s web Development and website www.prasannaveankatadasaru.org was launched in Sept 2010, through which knowledge in various discipline’s such as Dasa sahitya, ancient Indian science, Indian scientific Heritage, culture and ancient knowledge system are being shared across the world.
B). Educational & Charitable Activities: -
1. Adopted three orphan kids to provide good education at Anatha ashram ( destitute home) “ NELE” run by Hinduseva Pratistan –a registered charitable organization and donated Rs.10000/- towards educational expenses for every year ie 2010, 2011. And for 2012 year this amount is enhanced to Rs. 15000/-. ( Donations receipts attached )
2.Supported poor brilliant girl student to pursue her Master Of Computer application degree studies by paying her college fees of Rs. 20,000/- in the year 2010.
3, Instituted two annual award of Rs. 1000/-each to poor & brilliant students of SSLC at Sakri high school Bagalkot backward district of north Karanataka. ( copy of the few scholarship received receipts from the students are attached for reference )
4. Provided Rs.3000/- as medical relief to two poor girl students suffering from serious ailments, in the month of November 2011.
5. Associated & provided Knowledge base support in Organizing personality development training program and basics of vedic mathematics to school children particularly to poor students at various schools in Bangalore, kolar, Erode in Tamilanadu etc. by NIVS. ( Some of the photographs of the training programs are attached for refrence)
6. Conducted Job counseling to young unemployed youths to rebuild their confidence on their creativity and capability, basic ethics and moral fiber building based on ancient Indian knowledge systems.
(Dr. Subhas. B. kakhandaki) ( Mrs. Rekha. Kakhandaki)
Managing Trustee ( Chairman) Trustee
A) Cultural Activities and Knowledge Share for Public:-
I. Published the following books on ancient Indian knowledge system in particular to Dasa Sahitya as part of knowledge share to public.
1.”Sri Prasannavenkata Vijaya” – a biography of Sri Prsannavenkata Dasaru in kannada, authored by well known writer Smt. Rekha kakhandaki Pub. in Sept 2010
2. Sri Prasannavenkata Dasar Kratigalliya Adhyatmika vallanota( spiritual in sight in the works of Prasannavenkata dasaru) volume -1 authored by well known researcher Dr. V B Kulkarani Pub in sept 2011.
3. Sri Prasannavenkata Dasara Kratigalliya Adhyatmik Vallanota ( spiritual in sight in the works of Prasannavenkata dasaru) volume -2 authored by well known researcher K. Appannnachar, former Chairman of TTD Dasa Sahitya projects Pub in September 2011.
Note:- Copy of Invitation of the book release function and photographs of the above two ( ie for the years 2010 & 2011 ) functions are attached for reference.
4.Instituted state award on traditional music and first award called “ Sri Prasannaveankata Sangeeta Ratna “ purskar was awarded to famous Dasavani vocalist Pandit. Sri. Anant Kulkarani for his life time achievement in music. Award was given on 8th Sept.2011.
Note: - Award function Invitation and award ceremony photographs are attached.
5.Organised and conducted so for six workshops on various aspects of Ancient Heritage of Indian knowledge system particularly on Dasa Sahitya in association with NIVS Trust ( R ) & Sripadaraja Research International foundation Trust ( R ) at Bangalore on 7th August 2010, 25th September2010 and 14th Jan 2012,11 Feb 2012, March 10th 2012, and April 14th 2012 and also scheduled such workshop on every month Second Saturday at Bangalore till October 2012.
Note: Invitation and Photos of the workshop deliberations are attached for reference.
6.Associated and provided knowledge base support for organizing 4th International Conference on “ Ancient Indian Life Science & Associated Technologies on 23rd -25th Dec.2011 at Mulabagal Kolar district Karnataka, more than 300 delegates including delegates from UK, USA, Germany, Kazakhstan, Russia attended & deliberated on ancient Indian Knowledge system. ( Photo graphs of the conference deliberations are attached for reference)
7. Initiated Studies /research work on scientific concepts & social justice aspects in Dasa shahitya – currently two part time researchers are working on this project.
In order to support the research work, workshop is conducted on 14th April 2012 on topic - “ Insight of scientific concepts pertains to social science and health of body and mind in ancient Dasa sahitya“. Eminent researchers like Prof. Ranganath Bharadwaj well known Indian economist delivered lecture on Social science and Dr. Vasanth Kulkarani - a professor at Rajarajeshwari Medical college Bangalore delivered lecture on health related topics covered in ancient Dasa sahitaya. (Invitation and photographs of the workshop deliberations are attached.)
7. Initiated collaborative research work on ancient Indian science to rediscover the lost science in association with other philanthropic organizations like NIVS, NVMRT etc.
8. Successfully completed project on Trust’s web Development and website www.prasannaveankatadasaru.org was launched in Sept 2010, through which knowledge in various discipline’s such as Dasa sahitya, ancient Indian science, Indian scientific Heritage, culture and ancient knowledge system are being shared across the world.
B). Educational & Charitable Activities: -
1. Adopted three orphan kids to provide good education at Anatha ashram ( destitute home) “ NELE” run by Hinduseva Pratistan –a registered charitable organization and donated Rs.10000/- towards educational expenses for every year ie 2010, 2011. And for 2012 year this amount is enhanced to Rs. 15000/-. ( Donations receipts attached )
2.Supported poor brilliant girl student to pursue her Master Of Computer application degree studies by paying her college fees of Rs. 20,000/- in the year 2010.
3, Instituted two annual award of Rs. 1000/-each to poor & brilliant students of SSLC at Sakri high school Bagalkot backward district of north Karanataka. ( copy of the few scholarship received receipts from the students are attached for reference )
4. Provided Rs.3000/- as medical relief to two poor girl students suffering from serious ailments, in the month of November 2011.
5. Associated & provided Knowledge base support in Organizing personality development training program and basics of vedic mathematics to school children particularly to poor students at various schools in Bangalore, kolar, Erode in Tamilanadu etc. by NIVS. ( Some of the photographs of the training programs are attached for refrence)
6. Conducted Job counseling to young unemployed youths to rebuild their confidence on their creativity and capability, basic ethics and moral fiber building based on ancient Indian knowledge systems.
(Dr. Subhas. B. kakhandaki) ( Mrs. Rekha. Kakhandaki)
Managing Trustee ( Chairman) Trustee

Details on Knowledge base support by the Trust. | |
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Details on programs on spreading and sharing the ancient indian heritage knowledge | |
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